All the useful information about your stay

Look forward to a relaxing activity holiday!

We have summarised all the information that you need for a carefree stay for you here. Find out everything you need to know about your arrival, departure, cancellation etc. and spend a carefree, variety-packed activity holiday at the Residence Mathilda in sunny Val Venosta/Vinschgau.

Useful information

  • The room prices are per person per day when 2 full paying adults occupy a room, including gourmet half-board, inclusive services, VAT and a free parking space (underground garage or in front of the Residence Mathilda). We also charge EUR 1.30 local tax per person per day; children under 14 years of age are exempt from this.
  • If you want to just book bed and breakfast, EUR 15.00 per person per day is deducted from the half-board price.
  • If a double room is used by just one person, we charge a supplement of EUR 30.00 per day.
  • The children’s prices apply when they stay in a room with 2 full paying adults.
  • Your room is available from 3 pm on the day of arrival. If you are arriving after 6.00 p.m. we ask you to let us know beforehand.
  • We ask you to vacate your room by 11.00 am on the day of departure.
  • Late check-out: You can use your room and the spa area on the day of departure until 6.00 p.m. for a fee of EUR 30.00 per person on request.
  • With our travel cancellation insurance all the cancellation costs are covered if for some reason you have to delay your holiday or cannot go on holiday at all or have to end it early.
  • It is possible to cancel your room booking up to 3 weeks before the arrival date free of charge. If you should cancel your booking later than 3 weeks before arrival we charge 80% of the booked package. The same applies to delayed arrival or early departure. You must cancel your reservation in writing, otherwise it is not valid.
  • You are welcome to invite your friends to the Residence Mathilda – for breakfast (EUR 18.00 per visitor), for dinner (EUR 50.00 per visitor) or for a visit to the sauna and pool (EUR 15.00 per visitor including towels).
  • Dogs are welcome at the Residence Mathilda (EUR 10.00 Euro per day, without food). However, we hope you understand that dogs are not allowed in the dining hall and spa area.
  • You can pay your hotel bill in cash up to a maximum amount of EUR 999.99. We also accept credit cards (with the exception of Diners Club and American Express).
  • Our bank details:
    Raiffeisenkasse Laces/Latsch
    IBAN: IT 58 T 08110 58450 000300009725
  • Free parking space in the underground garage or in front of the hotel for all room categories

Did you not find the information you needed? Then simply contact us by phone or email and we will be happy to provide you with all the information you need!

Residence Mathilda